Terms & Conditions

Thanks for using Calculator Studio’s services and website. These Terms of Use dictate the terms under which Calculator Studio provides its services and how you may use them.


Thank you for using Calculator Studio’s services and website. These Terms of Use dictate the terms under which Calculator Studio provides its services and how you may use them. In the event an agreement is signed, these Terms supplement any such agreement between parties.

GRID ehf, Katrinartun 4, 105, Reykjavik, Iceland (GRID), and its subsidiaries are the providers of the services delivered in accordance with these terms of use. GRID can be contacted via email: info@grid.is.

Calculator Studio is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product operated and managed by GRID. By accepting these Terms, you are bound by them during and to some extent after you stop using Calculator Studio’s services.

User accounts and service levels

Anyone over the age of 18 can create a user account with Calculator Studio, and these Terms apply to all service levels provided, whether free or paid.

Subscriptions and fees

Our paid services are billed on a subscription basis which means that you will be billed in advance in accordance with your preferred subscription type; monthly or annual. Your subscription will be automatically renewed unless you cancel your subscription. You may cancel your subscription at any time before the end of a billing period, and your cancellation will take effect at the beginning of the next billing period. 

Calculator Studio may change subscription fees at any given time. Such price changes will become effective at the end of your then-current subscription period. We will notify you in advance of any such changes in fees.

Failure to pay the subscription fee on time may result in limited, suspended, or terminated services.

Calculator Studio reserves the rights to assign you to a subscription plan based on your use of Calculator Studio’s products, in such case you will be contacted prior to the reassignment. Prices for subscriptions are available here.

If your usage is not within the limits of your current subscription plan, Calculator Studio reserves the right to contact you in view of migrating you to the appropriate subscription plan.

Where Calculator Studio is required to collect and pay taxes related to your purchase of the service, such taxes will be charged to you at the point of purchase. If you are required to do so by law in your area, you are responsible for reporting and paying your local Value added, Sales and Goods & Services taxes, and any duties or customs fees that may apply. 

Payments are processed through GRID Software Inc., a Delaware corporation.

Privacy and security

During your use of the product, Calculator Studio will process some personal data related to you, as described in our privacy policy.

Calculator Studio will store and process your personal data, content, and other information in a secure way in accordance with relevant industry standards and practices.

For paying subscribers of our services, we provide the necessary documents to enable processing of personal data, such as a data processing agreement and relevant documentation of security measures if needed. Should you or your organization require a data processing agreement please send an email to support@calculatorstudio.co confirming who will fill out the agreement on your behalf with their email address included.

Please be advised that our free service, including the duration of any non-paid subscription trial, is not intended for the processing of personal data.

If you, as a user of our free service, decide to process personal data using GRID’s services, inadvertently or deliberately, you understand that you are the data controller and solely responsible for such data processing. GRID does not accept any liability under these circumstances, as such processing is against these Terms.

All further information about the processing of your personal data can be found in our privacy policy.

To keep your information safe, Calculator Studio encourages you to make sure that your password, email address, and other credentials are secured and accurate. Remember to back up any important data related to your use of Calculator Studio. ‍

Acceptable use

Calculator Studio is a cloud-based web platform intended to allow anyone to create and share professional-looking documents online and shall not be used for other purposes.

You are responsible for your use of Calculator Studio’s services and must comply with the following:

  • You may not use the services to commit any unlawful activity.

  • You may not use Calculator Studio’s services for the purpose of building a competitive product.

  • You may not misuse the services by interfering with them or attempting to use them through other methods than the provided interface.

  • You may not use any automated system, code, or other methods to extract or scrape data from the services or the website.

  • You may not reverse engineer the service or assist anyone else in doing so, to the extent such restriction is permitted by law.

  • You may not store or transmit any viruses, malware or other malicious software or link to such software through the Service.

  • You must respect IP rights belonging to either GRID Software Inc. or others.

Calculator Studio reserves the right to restrict access to or remove content published by you if it includes hate speech of any kind, bullying, criminal activity, pornography, personal data being made available unlawfully, or any other offensive and/or illegal material.

If your use of the product is in breach of Calculator Studio’s terms for acceptable use, GRID Software Inc. reserves the right to restrict or terminate your access to the Service.

Your content

You retain the rights to any content you may create while using Calculator Studio’s services. Calculator Studio reserves the right to promote and display the content you have published and made public and any name and/or username information provided in connection with your content.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, by publishing content made with Calculator Studio and making it public you grant Calculator Studio a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from and distribute.

In accordance with Calculator Studio’’s terms for Acceptable use, you acknowledge that Calculator Studio may be required to review your content to ensure that the content is compatible with these terms. Calculator Studio may also need to review your content in order to fulfill its legal obligations.

GRID's intellectual property rights

You are allowed to monetize the content you create using Calculator Studio. However, your use of the service does not grant you any ownership or right to reproduce, resell or in any way monetize any of the services or the content you access on Calculator Studio, other than your own content. GRID remains the sole owner of Intellectual Property rights of whatever nature related to the services and holds an exclusive right to use the Calculator Studio trademark.

Term and termination

You may at any time decide to terminate your Calculator Studio user account, and after 12 months of inactivity, you can assume your account will be deleted. Should you file a deletion request through support@calculatorstudio.co, your account and all your personal information will be deleted within 7 working days.

Calculator Studio may decide to terminate your account if your use of Calculator Studio’s services does in any way breach these terms. Calculator Studio reserves the right to terminate your account, with prior notification, if it has been inactive for over 12 months.

GRID reserves the right to stop providing parts of its services or change any service features and to do so at the company's sole discretion. GRID also reserves the right to introduce limits on storage or use of Calculator Studio.

Disclaimers and limitation of liability

It is Calculator Studio’s intention to always provide you with a high standard of services. While we aim to maintain high availability and reliability, certain conditions are out of our control. Calculator Studio can therefore not guarantee that the services will always be available.

Under no circumstances will GRID be held liable for any direct or indirect damages regardless of its nature, such as (but not limited to) loss of use, data business, loss of revenues profits or expected savings, third party losses or other indirect losses, or any other damages related to your use of Calculator Studio’s services.

Should you suffer any direct or indirect damages related to your use of Calculator Studio’s services, you are obliged to attempt to limit any damages to a reasonable extent. GRID’s liability, should it be deemed, shall not include liability for additional damage attributable to such failure.

To the extent legally permitted GRID will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or exemplary damages whatsoever.

To the extent permitted by law the aggregate liability of GRID, or any of its employees, for any claims arising in connection with the use of Calculator Studio’s services, will not exceed the amount paid by you to GRID for the use of the services during the 12 months prior to the event giving rise to the liability.

Changes to terms

GRID may make changes to these terms at any given time for many reasons, such as changes or updates of service or to reflect changes in applicable law. The applicable version of these Terms will always be available on Calculator Studio’s website. If Calculator Studio makes any material changes you will be notified by email and/or by a notice on Calculator Studio’s website. Changes will be effective from the day they are publicly posted. If you do not want to agree to any changes made to these terms you should stop using Calculator Studio since continued use means that you have agreed to be bound by the updated terms.


These Terms are governed by Icelandic law and disputes arising from the Terms are to be adjudicated in the District Court of Reykjavík.